The Time is Right for Social Work, Now More Than Ever Before

Craig Stanley

Around 720,000 social workers across the nation entered the profession to serve vulnerable and marginalized populations in an effort to improve the world in which they live.  Social workers do this in a unique way by using their skills to collaborate with individuals, families and communities to help achieve positive change. Realizing the value of partnerships, social workers commonly participate in interprofessional teams that include professionals from the medical, nursing, pharmacy, legal and law enforcement fields, to name a few.

It is likely that a social worker has helped you or someone you know. In Tallahassee alone, there are more than 4,300 social workers who provide an array of services that are not always associated with the profession. 

For example, Brianna Tebben is a social worker who is involved with the Leon County Sheriff’s mental health unit. She and her team respond to calls where counseling and crisis management skills may be needed.  Another example is Monique Ellsworth Van Pelt, a social worker and CEO for Second Harvest of the Big Bend.  She leads an organization that works to alleviate food insecurity and hunger in our region.  While many people associate the social work profession with vital work performed in the child welfare arena, Brianna and Monique exemplify the variety of services social workers perform in our community.

Recent events such as Hurricane Michael, the global pandemic and civil unrest have brought to the forefront many challenges that communities across the state and the country are facing. We are seeing an increase in problems associated with mental health that are exacerbated by issues including racism, poverty, lack of affordable housing and homelessness. Social workers like Monique and Brianna contribute to addressing these matters daily.  We engage with colleagues as well as community partners, community leaders and volunteers to provide services that address needs and ease burdens for many of our residents.

March is Social Work Month and the theme is, “The Time is Right for Social Work.” This theme resonates not only within the social work profession but also within our communities since social workers provide more than 60% of mental health treatment in our nation.  The need for social workers is greater than ever before. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects a growth rate of 12% in the social work profession over the next decade.

The College of Social Work at Florida State University as well as social work programs across the nation are striving to meet this need by educating and preparing passionate and dedicated professionals.  However, social workers cannot do it alone. They need your support.  I urge you to learn more about the profession and the difference social workers make in people’s everyday lives.  I invite you to think about how you might partner with a social worker to address a challenge.

Thursday, March 3, 2022 - 08:31 AM
Last updated: Mon, 07/01/2024 - 11:03 AM