AMI Kids Miami Dade North

Family & Group Services
Mental Health (Youth)
Substance Abuse
North Miami Beach, Florida

AMlkids MDN serves at risk youth who are being supervision by the Department of Juvenile Justice. The age range varies from 13-18 years old. We provide out youth with education, treatment, Behavior Modification, and Experiential Learning. The role of the Social Worker/Mental Health Professional of a Master's level would be to provide the youth with therapeutic services; individual and group. Also, to document as far as Treatment Plans and monthly progress notes. On a Bachelors level SW will work with the Case Management team, ensuring youth are coming to school. supporting the monitoring of YES Plans, intakes, and assisting in court proceedings.

For BSW and Generalist placements interns will work directly with the Case Management Department.
Tasks and responsibilities can include:
Screenings and Assessments
YES Plan goal development and monitoring
Delinquency Intervention and Psychoeducational group facilitation Court Hearings

For MSW clinical placements interns will work directly with the Behavioral Health Department.
Tasks and responsibilities can include:
Screenings and Assessments Managing a clinical caseload
Providing Evidenced Based, Delinquency Intervention, and Psychoeducational groups
 Crisis management

Special placement information:
Accepting BSW, MSW 1st-year, and MSW 2nd-year/Advanced Standing (clinical) students.  Full- and part-time positions available.  
Agency hours: 9:00AM-5:30PM.
No stipend available.
Agency accessible by public transit. 
Students will be required to complete trainings required by the Department of Juvenile Justice and AMIkids.