Center for the Study & Promotion of Communities, Families and Children

Mental Health (Adult)
School Social Work
Social Policy and Administration
Tallahassee, FL

The CFC center’s primary function is to generate and sustain knowledge and funding assets needed to develop effective policies, community-based programs, services, and research. We capitalize on the FSU CSW’s current efforts while expanding into new areas of research, grants, and collaboration. To achieve these goals, the Center develops innovative solutions and outcomes through a multidisciplinary approach. We do this by writing grants in collaboration with other colleges and professionals to secure funding for various projects. Once funding is secured, we go out in the community and provide needed services, programs, and research through the funded grant.

Current projects involve:
•    Providing an evidenced-based Opioid Prevention program with adolescents in rural Panhandle counties; training agencies in this program to expand reach.
•    Facilitating stress and trauma groups using the CBITS (Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for
Trauma in Schools) curriculum to middle school aged youth (includes individual sessions, pre/post tests, etc.)
•    Facilitating mental health & social-emotional groups using a social-emotional Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) curriculum, Rebound & Recovery, with voluntary pre-kindergarteners.
•    Manualizing Rebound & Recovery and making it available as a professional certification for early childhood educators and clinicians.
•    Providing trauma-informed training to individuals in legal services
•    Developing a Substance Use Disorder curriculum
•    Conducting focus groups & interviews with community members to understand the challenges and
address disparities for rural communities and people with special needs in natural disasters and health crises

Special Placement Information:

BSW Full-time, MSW 1st year students, MSW 2nd year and Advanced Students, Part-time BSW, Part-time MSW.  Student needs transportation to travel to the office and out in the community to perform assigned tasks on funded projects. All travel outside of Leon County will be reimbursed. The office is accessible by bus. Students do not need liability insurance. No video or audio taping permitted, unless consent is given from clients and approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) when research is involved. Agency hours are Monday to Friday 9 AM to 5 PM. We can provide flexible hours and can discuss with students on a case-by-case basis.