Alumni Profiles: Bionca & Breyonna Reese - A shared passion for social work

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Left to right: Bionca (in red) & Breyonna (in purple).

Bionca and Breyonna Reese are not only identical twins, they also share a passion for social work. Beginning their academic career at Atlanta Metropolitan College, in their hometown of Atlanta, Georgia, Breyonna started her associate’s degree in computer science and Bionca started majoring in history. “It’s funny, actually,” Breyonna reflected on the experience. “We both changed our major to social science and did not even know it until we both started taking social work classes at the same time.” 

Their academic experiences in social work not only launched them onto their current career path, but in addition, both young women created a new legacy for their family by becoming the first family members to receive a college degree. Bionca and Breyonna graduated in 2014 from Georgia State University with the BSW, but both knew that the best asset for their desired careers in the mental health field would be a Master of Social Work degree. The Reese sisters started their MSW program at the FSU College of Social Work in the fall of 2014. 

By the end of the fall 2016 semester the sisters were walking together across the stage at the College of Social Work’s reception and pinning ceremony to celebrate this latest achievement. Together every step of the way, Bionca and Breyonna want to use their MSW in clinical social work to work in the mental health field with emphasis on the LGBTQ community. Bionca also hopes to work with aging populations and the mentally ill. 

Nearer on the horizon, the twins are studying for their licensure exams to become licensed clinical social workers. Bionca even hinted, “I am hoping to get my Ph.D. soon, but I may wait because I’ve been in college for eight years. I know this profession will not be easy, but with an FSU MSW I think I am more than ready to help people and will continue to be successful.”

Friday, May 12, 2017 - 11:33 AM
Last updated: Mon, 07/01/2024 - 11:03 AM