College of Social Work Partners to Bring AVA Global Health Summit to FSU

Academy on Violence and Abuse Logo

The Academy on Violence and Abuse (AVA) and the Florida State University College of Social Work are teaming up to bring a global summit addressing violence treatment and prevention across the lifespan.  November 29 and 30 we will have speakers from all over the world as far as South Africa and China addressing the most recent research and practice involving those who have experienced maltreatment. 

FSU Faculty_Alumni Flyer.pngInternational research interventionists including featured speakers Vincent J. Felitti and Laura Mosquedo. Dr. Felitti is co-investigator of the ACES (Adverse Childhood Experiences) study and is a Clinical Professor of Medicine at the University of California. Dr. Mosquedo, an expert on elder abuse prevention and justice, is dean of the University of Southern California School of Medicine.

This exciting partnership has evolved through collaborative work between FSU and the AVA. The Academy on Violence and Abuse is a global organization consisting of members and directors from all across the world, was created to address issues highlighted in a 2002 report released by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) challenging the healthcare professionals to improve training health professionals about the often unrecognizable health effects of violence and abuse.  This inspired a group of health care professionals to converge in an effort to gain recognition and understanding of violence and abuse as serious health care issues.

AVA is an academic non-profit consisting of professionals from all aspects of health care including administrators, researchers, physicians, dentists, mental health providers, social workers, and government officials. Members unify in their efforts to address violence from their home countries across the U.S. & Canada, the Caribbean, Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, and New Zealand. The organization strives to expand health education, research, and effect positive change worldwide through collaboration that promotes safe families, safe workplaces and safe communities.

Machelle Madsen Thompson
Machelle Madsen Thompson

Florida State University Director of the Resilience and Protective Factor Initiative at the College of Social Work, Machelle Madsen Thompson, is a board member for the AVA.  She has recently returned from working as a U.S. Fulbright Scholar in Hong Kong and China studying resilience following trauma in children.  Eight board members and members of the AVA helped her obtain the grant and conduct her vital work.  These instrumental people from Hong Kong, China, and the United States included hospital and university administrators, government officials, sponsors, collaborators, assistants, and co-researchers who helped her obtain the grant and conduct her vital work.

To learn more about the conference, visit or click here to register.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018 - 04:34 PM
Last updated: Mon, 07/01/2024 - 11:03 AM