CFC Center: At A Glance, April 2019

CFC Center Annual Report Cover

Center for the Study and Promotion of Community, Family and Children (CFC Center)

At a Glance Update

The CFC Center under the aegis of the College of Social Work (CSW) was created with the support of the Stoops Family Foundation, Inc. in 2017. The purpose of the CFC Center is to generate and sustain transformational knowledge for the development of effective policies, services, and usable research.

CFC Center Supports Multidisciplinary Faculty Research

The CFC Center awarded its first Multidisciplinary Research Award to Dr. Karen Randolph, CSW; and Drs. Melissa Gross, Don Latham, Christopher Constantino from the College of Communication and Information (CCI) for their research into the use of information and communication technology among child welfare workers in Florida and Estonia. The CFC Center established this annual $5,000 research award for faculty associated with the CFC Center or its affiliates. The faculty must be working with research colleagues from other colleges and must have successfully received multidisciplinary research support from those colleges. Dr. Randolph and her colleagues were successful recipients of a research award from CCI for their cross-discipline research.

CFC Center Research Lecture Series

On March 29, 2019, the CFC Center concluded its inaugural research lecture series. The lecture, Inside Out: Approaches to Combat Substance Use Disorder in the Criminal Justice System from Incarceration to Community Reentry, featured research collaborators, Dr. Tanya Renn, Assistant Professor, Florida State University, College of Social Work; and Dr. Michelle Staton, Associate Professor, University of Kentucky College of Medicine.


The CRC Center launched this research lecture series featuring university researchers from FSU and other institutions. The series highlighted research on substance abuse and behavioral health care issues as well as fostered interdisciplinary collaborations and connected key community stakeholders with FSU faculty.

CFC Center - FSU College of Medicine (COM) Workshop Opioid Misuse

Identifying, Assessing, and Treating Opioid Misuse PowerPoint Presentation [PDF]


The CFC Center and FSU COM jointly sponsored a workshop for FSU students and community providers on identifying, assessing and treating opioid misuse on April 12, 2019. The workshop, attended by over 50 students, faculty, and community providers, included information on the risk factors, signs, and symptoms of opioid misuse and evidence-based options for treating opioid misuse. The workshop also included a strong prevention message urging attendees to safely dispose of prescription medications..

CFC Center Developing a Research Infrastructure

The CFC Center has hired two staff to develop research infrastructure for the CFC Center affiliates (Institute for Justice Research and Development; Institute for Family Violence Studies; Trinity Institute for the Addictions; the Multidisciplinary Center; and associated faculty) to pursue external funding from private and public sources. In January 2019, the CFC Center brought aboard Dr. Michael Killian, a CSW Assistant Professor, as the Research Scientist for the CFC Center. Dr. Killian is assisting with the coordination of research and resources and the collection of human subject data. Dr. Killian is also conducting research and providing information on emerging trends in data, new strategic opportunities and the synthesis of data.

In February 2019, Chelsea Carter Martinus was hired as the CFC Center’s Research Dissemination Coordinator to disseminate research and to translate research to practice. Ms. Martinus, who will graduate in May from FSU with a masters of public health, is creating communication content and data visualization regarding relevant research activities which are shared with internal and external partners and policymakers.

CFC Center’s 2017-2018 Annual Report Highlights Successful Year 

CFC CENTER 2017-2018 Annual Report [PDF]

The CFC Center’s inaugural Annual Report was broadly shared with FSU leadership and the deans of all the FSU colleges as well as external partners including key stakeholders and community-based organizations. The Annual Report highlights the exciting partnerships and initiatives launched during the CFC Center’s first year and the significant progress the CFC Center has made in each of its three focus areas:

  • Engaging Community Partners
  • Facilitating Research
  • Identifying and Developing Resources to Advance Social Innovation

The achievements featured in the Annual Report were made possible by the generous support of our many donors, and the Stoops Family Foundation, Inc. to whom we are profoundly grateful and whose support has been critical in advancing the CFC Center’s mission. We hope you will enjoy reading the report and look forward to sharing future news about the CFC Center and its exciting accomplishments. The Annual Report has been posted to the FSU College of Social Work website, Facebook page, and Twitter feed.

If you have questions about the initiatives featured in the Annual Report, or would like to learn more about how you can get involved with or donate to the CFC Center, please contact Ellen Piekalkiewicz, Director, (850) 644-3497 or

Tuesday, February 2, 2021 - 04:43 PM
Last updated: Mon, 07/01/2024 - 11:03 AM