FSU Operation Family Caregiver Site Celebrates Rosalynn Carter Institute’s 30 Years of Caregiving

Margaret Ashmore with President & Mrs. Carter and speakers at the reception.
Margaret Ashmore with President & Mrs. Carter and speakers at the reception.

“I went into social work because of Former President Jimmy Carter and the work he did in the eighties that inspired me,” Margaret Ashmore, Teaching Professor, and Program Manager for the FSU Operation Family Caregiver (FSU OFC) program reminisced. “He really had a meaningful impact on me. I was in childhood education at that time and changed my major to social work. President Carter focused on social service programs, and he invested so much in people. I never imagined at that time I would later be involved in a partnership program with our Former First Lady Rosalynn Carter.” Ashmore was able to tell this story to Mrs. Carter herself at the RCI Summit in 2015.

In the fall of 2017, Ashmore and FSU OFC Caregiver Coach Wendy Turney attended the 30th Anniversary Summit of the Rosalynn Carter Institute for Caregiving (RCI) in Americus, Georgia.  This event held special significance to Ashmore and Turney, as well as the hundreds of attendees that turned out for the occasion. It truly reflected the sustained impact of Rosalynn Carter’s dedication to caregiving. Like the event’s title, “Honoring the Commitment to Care,” every moment of the event was shared affirmation of the benefits of caregiving. Ashmore and Turney made the most of the event, taking away fresh ideas and finding new inspiration as they continue their work to aid military caregivers and their families.

The pair enjoyed the performance of “A Journey with Rosalynn Carter” starring Cathy Kaemmerlen. This one woman, one-act play, kicked off the event and told the story of Mrs. Carter’s life, caregiving legacy, and the creation of RCI. Ashmore and Turney both spoke personally about Mrs. Carter’s warmth and energy. “She is so generous in her spirit, and also so strong. She’s her own person.,” Margaret Ashmore said describing Mrs. Carter, who just turned 90 this year. “To see them [Former President Jimmy Carter and Mrs. Carter] together was truly special; they walk side by side,” Turney shared.

On the second day of the summit, a full docket of workshops was available for attendees, including a workshop co-presented by Margaret Ashmore with RCI staff members Laura Bauer and Schieloh Wolfe, entitled, “Evidence-Based Supervision: Tactics for Success.” “I discussed some of the concepts that go into effective supervision for caregiver coaches, particularly that supervision is a relationship.” And Ashmore and Turney’s effective partnership as supervisor and caregiver coach has made the FSU OFC site particularly successful in supporting caregivers, serving 103 caregivers to date.

Attendees at RCI 30th Anniversary Reception
OFC Program team and friends at the RCI Anniversary Reception.

Both noted that other workshops inspired them because of the innovative ideas and best practices shared. The presentation by psychologists Dr. Barry Jacobs and Dr. Julia Mayer were especially insightful. “They shared stories of caregivers that related their personal joy in caregiving”, Turney explained. “While counseling is different than coaching, some of the techniques used can be incorporated into my work with caregivers.” Ashmore agreed, “They [Jacobs and Mayer] did a great job of demonstrating how they help caregivers find meaning and opportunity in crisis situations.”

The final day of RCI’s summit included four-panel discussions from professionals in the field of caregiving focusing around RCI’s tenets: education, research, service, and advocacy. Keynote speaker, Lee Woodruff, shared her powerful story of caregiving for her husband, news reporter Bob Woodruff after he was injured during a military operation. “She’s an amazing speaker. She shared her caregiving journey’s challenges and triumphs using humor and wit,” Turney described. Ashmore agreed, noting Woodruff’s gracious and strong spirit.

Mrs. Carter speaking at the Gala.

The Gala Awards Banquet wrapped up this special celebration with an award ceremony. Associate Dean, Dr. Craig Stanley, attended the gala with Ashmore and Turney. Ashmore described Former President and Mrs. Carter as engaging - taking the time to talk with each award recipient, making sure they felt welcomed. Turney agreed, “Their kindness and appreciation were remarkable ensuring everybody felt included and special.”   “Upon presenting awards to caregivers, the Carters were authentic in their expression of gratitude reaching out to them individually” Ashmore stated. She added that both she and Stanley were deeply moved by the Carters kindness. “It was special,” Turney agreed.

This year marked the third time Turney attended the summit and Ashmore’s fourth year. Both concluded they have always learned something new to inform their work and this year is no exception. As FSU OFC moves into its fifth year of service, Turney and Ashmore look forward to continuing to make a difference in the lives of military caregivers in 2018.  

On February 2nd, they hosted the sixth Military Caregiver Appreciation Luncheon to date, this time in Tampa, Florida for a group of local caregivers. Attendees were treated to a lunch at the Tampa Club and enjoyed a program that shared stories and information about the Operation Family Caregiver program.

Learn more about FSU OFC at http://csw.fsu.edu/ofc or contact Wendy Turney at (850) 645-0902.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018 - 10:21 AM
Last updated: Mon, 07/01/2024 - 11:03 AM