Longtime Faculty Member Dr. Neil Abell Retires

After 33 years of dedicated service, longtime FSU College of Social Work faculty member Professor Neil Abell will retire at the end of the fall 2024 semester. He has served the college not only as a dedicated faculty member but also as a leader. He has been director of the college’s International Programs since 2011 when he took over for fellow faculty member Pat Lager.
The research and relationships that Professor Lager and Dr. Abell fostered have perpetuated an ever-evolving range of international experiences across four continents. The college currently offers study abroad, spring break, exchange, and field placement opportunities in Canada, Great Britain (England, Scotland, Northern Ireland), Grenada, the Czech Republic, and Norway.
Dr. Abell is also a three-time graduate of Florida State University. He earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology in 1979, his Master of Social Work in 1982 and finally a doctoral degree in social work in 1986. He is also a licensed clinical social worker in Florida.
His research and teaching focus has included international social work, HIV/AIDs, human rights and mindfulness. Dr. Abell spent many years studying the impact of HIV/ AIDs and its stigma on populations across the world and expanding those efforts to support colleagues in Northern Ireland in addressing the challenges of sectarian conflict in the promotion of social welfare.
Rebounding from the disruptions of the COVID-19 pandemic, the International Programs are going strong and continue to change the lives of all involved thanks to Dr. Abell’s unwavering dedication and enthusiasm for the importance of understanding and exploring different cultures. “Going abroad is a stimulus for the best kind of culture shock,” said Dr. Abell, “where encounters with the unfamiliar prompt us to see what we might otherwise have taken for granted about our own privilege or expectations with new eyes.”
Upon his retirement, Dr. Abell will hand off the role of director of International Programs at the college to colleague and Teaching Professor Jane Dwyer Lee, who has accompanied him and facilitated many of the college’s international experiences. Taking on this role is full circle for Ms. Dwyer Lee, who was first asked to join the college’s International Programs committee by Pat Lager because of her passion for international travel. “I could not ask for a more ideal successor,” enthused Dr. Abell.
This fall, Dr. Abell’s dedication to social work education international social work was honored by the College of Social Work with the 2024 Distinguished Social Work Educator Alumni Award for his leadership, contributions, and commitment to social work education.
He has received numerous accolades for his commitment to social work education and scholarship. He received a University Graduate Teaching Award in 2014 and was the [then] School of Social Work Teacher of the Year in 1994 and 1993. He also received the 2nd Annual Community Service Recognition Award from the Red Ribbon Alliance in 2004.
In retirement, Dr. Abell plans at first to enjoy a period of life with no obligations. As he remarked at his recent retirement event, “I’ll see where the night stars lead me.”
In place of gifts, Dr. Abell is asking for donations to be made to support scholarships for social work students wishing to experience international social work through the FSU College of Social Work. Donate at https://spark.fsu.edu/Project/2806.