Event Requests
On the Event Requests page will find documents to help you plan your event. Whether you are submitting a proposal to the Dean for a College-specific initiative or partnering with a third-party organization, the documents below will help you begin. For questions on event planning, available College event dates, or marketing/social media please see the information below.
Interested in reserving a specific date for your event? Contact Naomi Molina, Events Manager at naomi.molina@fsu.edu for available event dates and reserve your date on the College's event calendar.
Florida State University Departments/Colleges and Outside Organizations/Universities
This document is intended for FSU departments or non-FSU organizations wanting to partner with the College of Social Work on an event. This document will serve as a mutually agreed upon contract between both parties for event planning purposes. Please contact the Events Manager for more information.
Co-sponsor Agreement.pdf
Events and Marketing Team
Event Planning - Naomi Molina, Event Manager, naomi.molina@fsu.edu
Marketing & Publicity - Lauren Antista, Communications Manager, lantista@fsu.edu
College Gifts & Donor Relations - Paige McKay Kubik, pmkubik@fsu.edu