Graduation Information

Graduation Application Information:

Apply Online for Graduation

1. Login at 

2. Under myFSU Links on the left-hand side of the screen, click the SC icon.

3. Under the Academics area, click the drop-down box arrow and select Apply for Graduation.

4. For further instructions, visit

NOTE: You must apply for graduation even if you do not intend to attend the ceremony. For more information on preparing for graduation, contact your academic advisor, or visit 


BSW Advisor: Zoey Zeitlin,

MSW Advisor (Tallahassee Main Campus): Michael Robinson, 

MSW Advisor (Distance Learning): Sydney Smith, 

Ph.D. Advisor: Charlotte Hayes,


College of Social Work Graduation Event and University Commencement Upcoming Dates:

Please note: The CSW Graduation Event is an internal event for Social Work graduates. Students are also able to participate in the University Commencement (



College of Social Work Graduation Event

Florida State University Commencement

Spring 2024

Friday, May 3rd from 12 - 2pm at the CSW

Doctoral Degrees: Friday, May 3rd at 9am at the Donald L. Tucker Civic Center

BSW/MSW: Saturday, May 4th at 7pm at the Donald L. Tucker Civic Center

Summer 2024

Friday, August 2nd from 12 - 2pm at the CSW

Doctoral Degrees: Friday, August 2nd at 9am at the Donald L. Tucker Civic Center

BSW/MSW: Friday, August 4th at 7pm at the Donald L. Tucker Civic Center


Fall 2024

Friday, December 13th - Time and Location TBD

Doctoral Degrees: Friday, December 13th at 9am at the Donald L. Tucker Civic Center

BSW/MSW: Friday, December 13th at 7pm at the Donald L. Tucker Civic Center


The College of Social Work will have a booth at FSU Commencement prior to the ceremony starting to greet our students and give them the opportunity to engage with faculty and staff. Please visit our booth and take photos wearing your regalia! 


College of Social Work Graduation Event Details:

Each semester the College of Social Work hosts a Graduation event at the CSW. Graduates, their families, and friends are invited to stop by the CSW to pick up their alumni lapel pin, take photos, socialize with faculty and staff, and enjoy light refreshments. This event is typically from 12 - 2pm at the CSW. At 1pm we will have a celebratory toast from our Dean and Program Directors, recognize our graduates and CSW Annual Award Winners. Please note: CSW Annual Award winners are only recognized in the Spring semester

If you have any questions about our graduation events please contact Naomi Molina, Associate Director of Student & Alumni Engagement, at


FSU Commencement Registration & Guest Ticket Process:

University Commencement is the traditional ceremony hosted by the University Commencement is held at the Donald L. Tucker Civic Center (505 West Pensacola Street). 

If you are planning to participate in commencement, you must register and RSVP online with Marching Order, through the registrar's office. 

Formal regalia is required for participation in University Commencement. For more information on ordering your cap and gown visit

For more information on University Commencement, visit


Questions? Contact Naomi Molina, Associate Director of Student & Alumni Engagement, at