Faculty Member Appointed to Lead National NASW Governance Review Task Force

Carol Campbell Edwards

Dr. Carol Campbell Edwards, an associate teaching professor and director of the BSW and Professional Development Programs at the College of Social Work, serves as the National Association of Social Workers Board Director for Region VII, serving Florida, Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands.

Recently, Dr. Edwards was appointed chair of the National Association of Social Worker’s Governance Review Task Force. The task force, comprised of five national and international social work leaders, is undertaking the comprehensive assessment of NASW’s thirty-seven committees. This task force represents a continuation of efforts at NASW’s national office to restructure and streamline the organization to ensure efficiency and optimal support for social workers and the profession.

“NASW performed a governance review in 2023, and this task force was a recommended action,” explained Dr. Edwards.  The task force has one year to accomplish the goals and objectives the Board of Directors established. “We have been tasked with assessing and analyzing existing NASW committees to provide recommendations centered around possible restructuring, alignment with organizational bylaws, diverse representation and engagement, and the incorporation of efficient innovation.”

Dr. Edwards and the task force developed a virtual survey distributed to all members and leaders of the national committees. The feedback provided baseline data on the current committee membership and their perspectives on committee purpose and functionality. In June 2024, Dr. Edwards presented the first task force report at the NASW National Conference and Board Meeting in Washington, DC. Dr. Edwards shared that “the report was well-received, and we will continue moving forward.”

Dr. Edwards explained that next, the task force will host virtual live listening sessions with all committee members to learn more about committee members’ experiences and recommendations for committee changes or restructuring. “We want every committee to be able to tell us about their mission and purpose, how they align with the Code of Ethics, uphold the bylaws, and where the challenges are,” explained Dr. Edwards. “Committees established many years ago may differ in needs, processes, and resources. Technology has evolved, providing greater opportunities for broader member representation and shared decision-making opportunities.” Following the listening sessions, the task force will analyze the data and present its findings and recommendations to the NASW Board of Directors at the end of 2024.

When Dr. Edwards reflected on her investment in NASW leadership, she recalled what an honor it was to join the Board of Directors under the leadership of a social work pioneer, Dr. Mildred “Mit” Joyner. “Dr. Joyner was an inspirational leader who skillfully served the association and mobilized a new trajectory. I am honored to now serve with the current President, Dr. Yvonne Chase, and our new dynamic Chief Executive Director, Dr. Anthony Estreet,” expressed Dr. Edwards. “Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would serve as president of my state’s NASW chapter or find myself working with my profession’s national leadership.”

Dr. Edwards shared, “I’m always telling my students that for them to see the change they want to see in the world, they must be an active, living part of that change.” One student asked me if I would share my passion for social work on a larger scale, and I agreed. That student submitted a nomination, which I accepted. And to my surprise, I was elected President of the Florida Chapter, providing an opportunity for me to continue growing and expanding my volunteer service with dynamic leaders.  It is rewarding to give back to a profession that is dedicated to positively impacting individuals and systems. I can truly say that I love being a social worker!

To get more involved, find the NASW chapter near you at www.socialworkers.org/About/Chapters.

Thursday, August 1, 2024 - 11:00 AM
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