2014 Spring Convocation celebrates a new generation of social workers


The College of Social Work celebrated the graduation of its spring 2014 graduates with the annual convocation ceremony on Friday, May 2, 2014.  Associate Dean of Academics Dr. Dina Wilke presided over the ceremony, acting in Dean Nick Mazza’s stead.  Students from all levels, BSWs, MSWs and doctoral students were in attendance along with hundreds of family members and friends to celebrate their accomplishments.

Student speaker: Jacy Mesch

MSW Graduate Jacy Mesch was chosen as the student representative and gave a poignant speech of encouragement and passion on behalf of her fellow graduates. Jacy was chosen for this honor for her outstanding accomplishments as a student and social worker with an established track record of advocacy and dedication to international social work, living in South Korea and the Ukraine and volunteering the past two summers in an orphanage in Eastern Europe.  Jacy also served as the co-president of the FSU branch of the Association of Student Social Workers, starting the inaugural Social Work Film Festival.

Speaker: Roy Miller, President &
Founder of The Children’s Campaign

Following Jacy, was the convocation’s guest speaker Mr. Roy Miller, alumnus of the College and president and founder of The Children’s Campaign, a “watchdog group” for children that, “challenges the status quo and engages systems of care and the public and private sectors to approach issues in ways that result in better outcomes.”  His innovations have led to, “public policy, new service structures for at-risk children, and powerful new advocacy voices.” Mr. Miller has received numerous awards for for these accomplishments, including:  the statewide Champions for Children award from the Early Childhood Association of Florida in 2005, the President’s Award from the Florida Network of Youth and Family Services in 2006, and the Youth Advocacy Award from the Florida Juvenile Justice Association in 2008. Mr. Miller gave a warm, humorous speech about his journey as a social worker and advocate, offering inspiration and guidance to the convocation listeners. (To watch a segment of Mr. Miller’s speech click below.)

Professor of the Year:
Margaret Ashmore

Along with graduates, several award winners within the College of Social Work were acknowledged:

  • Elizabeth J. Piccard BSW Student of the Year: Cristina Batista
  • Patricia V. Vance MSW Student of the Year: Christopher Collins
  • Instructor of the Year: Bill Wertman
  • Professor of the Year: Margaret Ashmore
  • Doctoral Student of the Year: Leah Cheatham
  • The Dianne F. Harrison Scholarship: Kristin Richards
  • Institute for Family Violence Studies (IFVS) Director’s Award: Delaney Anderson
  • Field Educator of the Year Award: Joan Scully
Kelli Lynn Biondich

The convocation ceremony recognizes the achievements of many worthy students, but this year’s convocation contained an extra note of solemnity as the College honored the life and memory of BSW graduate Kelli Lynn Biondich. Kelli’s life was cut short due to an aggressive illness, but the College wanted to make sure her graduation and accomplishments were recognized along with her peers. Members of the Biondich family were in attendance and were presented a special gift from the College created by the FSU Master Craftsman Studio.

Family and graduates alike enjoyed the ceremony and the reception that followed. And the hopes and anticipation of the success of this next generation of social workers remains high. Join us in congratulating our class of Spring 2014!

Convocation photos available on the Florida State University’s College of Social Work Facebook page.

To read Roy Miller’s complete speech, click here.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016 - 09:03 PM
Last updated: Mon, 07/01/2024 - 11:03 AM