Alumni & Friends

Rosalyn Deckerhoff named first Director of Online Field Education

With the growth of online programs, a continuous challenge remains to constantly improve and innovate. A step in that direction for the FSU College of Social Work will include the establishment of a position to oversee field education for online programs. Associate Teaching Professor Rosalyn Deckerhoff will take on this role starting at the beginning of the spring 2018 semester.

Critical thinking and civil discourse conference challenges conventional wisdom

In order to create positive change, conventional wisdom often needs to be reconsidered. Are low-carbohydrate diets an effective remedy for obesity? Do patients have a right to self-medicate? Are psychiatric drugs effective over the long term?

The Florida State University College of Social Work will host a daylong conference to explore these questions and more.

Future scholars meet to examine social justice

The social work profession has strong historical roots in the concept of social justice—roots that are acknowledged and promoted within our professional associations and educational standards. For me, the concept of social justice has always been an important cornerstone of the work that I do in the field of maternal-child health. Within this field, my work focuses on understanding the who and what that define access to important resources that help promote healthy families and healthy child development.

Alumnus Chun Rosenkranz: Making connections through kindness


Robert F. Kennedy once said, “Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.”

Student Profile: Doctoral Student Productivity in the Summer Months

This past July, I attended and presented at the 35th International Congress on Law and Mental Health. Leading experts from around the world in psychiatry, nursing, social work, psychology, law and other helping professions, convened from July 9-14th at Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic to share their ideas about today’s most pressing issues at the intersection of mental health and law.