International Faculty Scholarship

Refereed Journal Articles Published

Abell, N. & Rutledge, S.E. (2009) Awareness, acceptance, and action: Developing mindful collaborations in international HIV/AIDS research and service, British Journal of Social Work, doi: 10.1093/bjsw/bcp047.

Abell, N., Rutledge, S., McCann, T., & Padmore, J. (2007). Examining HIV/AIDS provider stigma: Assessing regional concerns in the islands of the Eastern Caribbean, AIDS Care,19(2), 242-247.

Gomory, T. (In press). Assertive Community Treatment: A critical update. Hungarian Social Review (Szociális Szemle).

Gomory, T., B. Erdös, M., & Kelemen, G. (2006). Kényszer, vagy együttműködés: Vitatott kérdések a közösségi pszichiátriai ellátás gyakorlatában [Coercion or cooperation: Empirical community treatment revisited]. Esély, 17, 101-129.

Hinterlong, J., McBride-Moore, A., Tang, F., & Danso, K. (2006). Issues in elder volunteerism and service worldwide: Toward a research agenda. In L. Wilson & S. Simson, (Eds.), Civic engagement and the Baby Boomer Generation (pp. 213-246). Haworth Press, Inc.

Mathiesen, S.G., & Lager, P.B. (2008) Building global bridges through virtual student exchanges. Journal of Global Social Work Practice, 1, 1-10.

Mathiesen, S. G. & Lager, P. B. (2007). A model for developing international student exchanges. Social Work Education, 26, 280-291.

Rutledge, S.E., Abell, N., Padmore, J., & McCann, T. (2009). AIDS stigma in health services in the Eastern Caribbean. Sociology of Health Care & Illness, 31(1), 17-34.

Rutledge, S. E., Siebert, D. C., & Wilke, D. J. (2008). HIV transmission and alcohol in the Caribbean: An agenda for social work. Journal of HIV/AIDS & Social Services. 7, 47-70.

Rutledge, S., & Abell, N. (2005). Awareness, acceptance, and action: An emerging framework for understanding AIDS stigmatizing attitudes among community leaders in Barbados, AIDS Patient Care and STDS, 19, 186-99.

Whittaker, M. P., & Hinterlong, J. (2008). Contexts of control: Modern slavery in the U.S. Social Development Issues, 30(3), 27-41.

Refereed Journal Articles Submitted

Munn, J. (under review). Viewing the World: Visual Qualitative Inquiry in International Settings. Journal of Social Work Education.

Book Chapters and Monographs Published

Abell, N. (2009). Social stigma: Universal and culturally specific. In G. Thomas (Ed.),MSWE-001: Block 4 Understanding and responding to stigma and discrimination, Unit 2. New Delhi: Indira Ghandi National Open University.

Abell, N. (2009). Provider stigma: Social service and health care providers. In G. Thomas (Ed.),MSWE-001: Block 4 Understanding and responding to stigma and discrimination, Unit 3. New Delhi: Indira Ghandi National Open University.

Abell, N. (2009). Response strategies for social workers. In G. Thomas (Ed.),MSWE-001: Block 4 Understanding and responding to stigma and discrimination, Unit 4. New Delhi: Indira Ghandi National Open University

Abell, N. (2009). Theories and models of stigma and discrimination. In G. Thomas (Ed.), MSWE-001: Block 4 Understanding and responding to stigma and discrimination, Unit 1. New Delhi: Indira Ghandi National Open University.

Abell, N. (2008) History of social work in the Americas. In G. Thomas (Ed.) MSWE-001: Origin and development of social work: Block 1 History of social work: Global, Unit 1. New Delhi: Indira Ghandi National Open University.

Abell, N. (2008) History of social work in Europe. In G. Thomas (Ed.) MSWE-001: Origin and development of social work: Block 1 History of social work: Global, Unit 2. New Delhi: Indira Ghandi National Open University.

Abell, N., & Hamann, B. (2008) Social work practicum: Global and national scenario. In G. Thomas (Ed.) MSWE-005: Social work practicum: Block 1, Social work practicum: An overview, Unit 3. New Delhi: Indira Ghandi National Open University.

Abell, N., & Hudson, W.W. (2000). Pragmatic applications of single-case and group designs in social work practice and research. In P. Allen-Meares & C. Garvin (Eds.) Handbook of Social Work Direct Practice, (pp. 535-550). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage

Abell, N. (1997) Should HBSE concentrate on a few topics as metaphor for the whole, rather than give a “broad brush” perspective to many diverse issues? “Yes”. In M. Bloom & W.C. Klein, Controversial Issues in Human Behavior (pp.144-50), Boston: Allyn & Bacon

Cesnales, N., & Abell, N. (2009). Best practices in HIV/AIDS prevention and education. In G. Thomas (Ed.),MSWE-001: Block 4 Understanding and responding to stigma and discrimination, Unit 5. New Delhi: Indira Ghandi National Open University.

Hamann, B., & Abell, N. (2008) Generalist practice. In G. Thomas (Ed.) MSWE-001: Origin and development of social work: Block 3 Social work concepts and primary methods, Unit 5. New Delhi: Indira Ghandi National Open University.

Hamann, B., & Lager, P. (2008) Social work practicum: Concept, meaning, nature, importance, and scope. In G. Thomas (Ed.) MSWE-005: Social work practicum, Block 1Social work practicum: An overview, Unit 1. New Delhi: Indira Ghandi National Open University.

Hamann, B., & Lager, P. (2008) History of social work practicum: Development of field education. In G. Thomas (Ed.) MSWE-005: Social work practicum, Block 1 Social work practicum: An overview, Unit 2. New Delhi: Indira Ghandi National Open University.

Lager, P., Mathiesen, S., Rogers, M., Cox, S. (accepted) Guidebook for international field placements and student exchanges: Planning, implementation, and sustainability. Council on Social Work Education.

Lager, P. Y Mathiesen, S. (in press). Bridging social work theory and practice in international field education. In L. Healy & R. Link (Eds.). Handbook of international social work. New York, NY: Oxford.

Lager, P., Ashmore, M., & Hamann, B. (2008) Orientation to social work practicum. In G. Thomas (Ed.) MSWE-005: Social work practicum, Block 2 Roles and Expectations in Social Work Practicum, Unit 1. New Delhi: Indira Ghandi National Open University.

Lager, P., Hamann, B., & Ashmore, M. (2008) Roles and expectations in social work practicum. In G. Thomas (Ed.) MSWE-005: Social work practicum, Block 2 Roles and Expectations in Social Work Practicum, Unit 2. New Delhi: Indira Ghandi National Open University.

Lager, P. (2008) Modes of social work supervision. In G. Thomas (Ed.) MSWE-005: Social work practicum, Block 3 Field work supervision, Unit 1. New Delhi: Indira Ghandi Nationa Open University.

Lager, P. (2008) Administrative and environmental aspects in social work supervision. In G. Thomas (Ed.) MSWE-005: Social work practicum, Block 3 Field work supervision, Unit 2. New Delhi: Indira Ghandi National Open University.

Lager, P. (2008) Supportive functions in supervision: Strategies, skills, and planning for social work supervision. In G. Thomas (Ed.) MSWE-005: Social work practicum, Block 3 Field work supervision, Unit 3. New Delhi: Indira Ghandi National Open University.

Vinton, L., & Abell, N. (2008). Social work education through distance learning. In G. Thomas (Ed.) MSWE-001: Origin and development of social work: Block 2 Social work as a profession, Unit 3. New Delhi: Indira Ghandi National Open University.

Vinton, L., & Abell, N. (2008). Social work as a profession: Nature, characteristics,objectives, and scope. In G. Thomas (Ed.) MSWE-001: Origin and development of social work: Block 2 Social work as a profession, Unit 3. New Delhi: Indira Ghandi National Open University.

Vinton, L., & Abell, N. (2008). Social work education: Retrospects and prospects. In G. Thomas (Ed.) MSWE-001: Origin and development of social work: Block 2 Social work as a profession, Unit 2. New Delhi: Indira Ghandi National Open University.

Vinton, L., & Abell, N. (2008). Social work values, principles, & ethics. In G. Thomas (Ed.) MSWE-001: Origin and development of social work: Block 2 Social work as a profession, Unit 4. New Delhi: Indira Ghandi National Open University.

International Presentations: (outside the U.S.)

Abell, N. (2008, March). Assessing HIV/AIDS provider stigma: Roots and reflections. National Seminar on Rural Development: Issues and Challenges, Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi, India. (International)

Abell, N. (2008, March). HIV/AIDS: Stigma and discrimination. Seminar on HIV/AIDS: New Perspectives and Strategies. Indira Gandhi National Open University Regional Centre, Impal, Manipur, India. (International)

Abell, N. (2005, September). Developing comprehensive curriculum for social work and HIV/AIDS: Prevention, intervention, and care. Keynote presentation at 2nd National Seminar on Social Work and HIV/AIDS, Delhi, India.  (International)

Abell, N. (2005, September). Addressing HIV/AIDS provider stigma: Awareness, acceptance, and action in health care and social services.  All India Women’s Conference, Amritsar, India.  (International)

Abell, N., Rutledge, S., McCann, T., & Padmore, J. (2005, May). Intervening in HIV/AIDS provider stigma: Assessing regional concerns in the West Indies. Paper presented at UWI-HARP (University of the West Indies HIV/AIDS Response Program) Regional Conference, Bridgetown, Barbados, W.I. (International)

Abell, N. (2003, July). Workshop: HIV/AIDS and end of life issues. 6th Biennial Conference of Caribbean and International Social Work Educators, Barbados, West Indies. (International)

Gomory, T. (2008, Spring) Visiting scholar-University of Tartu, Tartu Estonia. Lecture series- Philosophy and psychopathology: How Karl Popper’s critical rationalism and its method can lead to necessary innovation and new insight into mental health research, policy, and practice. ( International).

Lager, P. (2008). Visiting scholar, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia. Lecture series: International child welfare issues and global responses.

Lager, P. & Mathiesen, S. (2007). Building global bridges through virtual student exchanges. Fifteenth Symposium of the International Consortium for Social Development, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China.

Lager, P. & Sogren, M. (2007). Virtual student exchanges through online learning. Eighth Biannual Conference for International and Caribbean Social Work Educators, University of the West Indies, Trinidad, W.I.

Lager, P. B., & Ring, K. (2007). Social workers respond to disasters in the Caribbean: Parameters, process and outcomes based on strengths and resiliency. Council on Social Work Education, International Association of Schools of Social Work, and the Caribbean Association of Schools of Social Work Conference on Disaster Planning, University of the West Indies, Barbados, W.I.

Lager, P. & Mathiesen, S. (2005). Lessons from the Caribbean: A value based model for developing global initiatives. Seventh Biannual Conference for International and 6 6 Caribbean Social Work Educators, University of the West Indies, Kingston, Jamaica.

Lager, P. (2004). A model for international student exchanges. Synposium on the Development of International Student Exchanges, University of the West Indies, Trinidad, W.I.

Lager, P. B. (2003). March, 2003. Practice Experiences from North America:
International Practica. Social Work Conference on Practice Innovations: Creative Linkages with Policy, Practice and Research, University of the West Indies, Trinidad, W.I (invited presentation).

Lager, P. B. (2002). International Experiences: What We Learn and Gain from Exchange and Collaboration. Practice Teacher’s Conference, University of the West Indies, Trinidad. (invited presentation).

Lager, P. B. (2001). The Protection of Children in the Caribbean. Child Welfare Authority Annual Meeting, Grenada, W.I.

Mathiesen, S., Lager, P., Cox, S., Rodgers, M. (2009). The international field consortium: An example of the signature pedagogy of global social work practice in the U.S. Sixteenth Symposium of the International Consortium for Social Development, Monterrey, Mexico.

Mathiesen, S. & Lager, P. (2008). Planning, developing, and sustaining international student exchanges: Preparing students for the global future. International Association of Schools of Social Work Global Social Work Congress, Durban, South Africa.

Mathiesen, S. & Lager, P. (2004). Breaking ground: Getting started with international student exchanges. International Association of Schools of Social Work and International Federation of Social Workers Global Social Work Congress, Adelaide, Australia.

Mathiesen, S., & Lager, P. B. (2003). Creating an Individualized System of Crisis Response: Social Work Practice in the Caribbean. Sixth Biennial Conference of Caribbean and International Social Work, Barbados, W.I.

Mathiesen, S., & Lager, P. B. (2003). Developing and Maintaining International Student Exchanges in the Caribbean. Sixth Biennial Conference of Caribbean and International Social Work, Barbados, W.I.

Munn, J., & Zimmerman, S. (2009, July). How do Family Members Fit into the Long-Term Care System at the End of Life? Paper presented at the conference of the International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Paris, France.

Rutledge, S.E., and Abell, N. (2006, August). HIV/AIDS confidentiality in Eastern Caribbean health settings: Torn between professional obligations to patients and a covert duty to warn others. Poster Discussion, XVI International AIDS Conference, Toronto, Canada.  (International)

Wilke, D. J., & Siebert, D. C. “Needs Assessments for Substance Abuse Treatment Services: The Case of St. Kitts/Nevis.” Paper presentation at the Association for Social Work in the Caribbean, Georgetown, Barbados, West Indies, July 2003.

International Presentations (within the U.S.)

Abell, N. (2006, May). Responding to HIV/AIDS in India: Challenges and contradictions in a growing epidemic. Plenary presentation at HIV/AIDS 2006: The Social Work Response 18th National Conference on Social Work and HIV/AIDS, Miami, Fl. (National)

Abell, N. (2005, May). The Vietnamese response to HIV/AIDS: Confronting the pandemic in a developing nation context. Paper presented at HIV/AIDS 2005: the Social Work Response (17th Annual National Conference on Social Work & HIV/AIDS), Chicago, IL. (National)

Abell, N., & Rutledge, S. (2005, May). Awareness, acceptance, & action: Responding to HIV/AIDS provider stigma in the West Indies. Paper presented at HIV/AIDS 2005: the Social Work Response (17th Annual National Conference on Social Work & HIV/AIDS), Chicago, Il. (National)

Godenzi, A., Soska, T., & Lager, P. (2004). Bridges over waters:Continuing education with an international perspective. Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting, Anaheim, CA.

Hinterlong, J. (2008, April). Poverty and development: A tale of two countries, Malawi and Grenada. Inquirer’s, First Presbyterian Church. (Local).

Hinterlong, J. (2005, September). Ageing, Social Policy, & Social Work in Grenada, T.A. Maryshow Community College, Grenada. (International).

Hinterlong, J., & Arellano, A. (2009, November). “The Role of Local Leadership and Partnership Councils in Community Planning for Older Adults.” Gerontological Society of America, Atlanta (International).

Hinterlong, J., & Williamson, A. (2006, November). “Prevalence and patterns of productive engagement in late life: Implications for public policy.” Gerontological Society of America, Dallas, TX. (International)

Hinterlong, J. (2005, November). “Life on the “C”: Understanding and developing volunteer program capacity.” Annual International Conference on Volunteer Administration. Association of Volunteer Administrators, Jacksonville, FL. (International)

Hu, J. & Hinterlong, J. (2005, November). “Factors Related to Nursing Home use among the Oldest-old in China.” Gerontological Society of America Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA. (International)

Hwang, J., & Hinterlong, J. (2009, May). “Modeling motivation and fit among sport event volunteers: Toward a better understanding of the volunteer satisfaction and commitment.” North American Society for Sport Management Annual Conference. Columbia, SC (International)

Hwang, J., & Hinterlong, J. (2008, May). “Understanding the motivation of sport volunteers: Toward an extended conceptual model and measurement matrix.” North American Society for Sport Management Annual Conference. Toronto (International).

Johnson, E., Hinterlong, J., Sherraden, M., & Moore, A. (2001, January). “Advancing public policy through an MIS-enhanced network.” 34th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, Community Development and Technology Mini Track, Maui, HI. (International)

Lager, P., Leta, H., & Rodgers, M. (2007). International field education and study abroad opportunities: Developing a model program. Council on Social Work Education and National Association of Deans and Directors conference on International Social Work, Boston.

Lager, P. B., & Mathiesen, S. G. (2006). From the ground up: Getting started with international field placements. Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting, Chicago, IL.

Lager, P. B. (2005). International social work: A model for social work educators and practitioners. NASW-FL 2005 Annual Social Work Conference, Orlando, FL.

Lager, P. B., Coonan, T., & Seshadri, V. (2003). International field placements: A unique cross-cultural experience in Spain. Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting, Atlanta, GA

Mathiesen, S. G., & Lager, P. B. (2006). The global web: Creating a consortium to facilitate the development of international initiatives. Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting, Chicago, IL.

Rutledge, S.E., & Abell, N. (2006, January). AIDS stigma in health service provision in the West Indies.  Paper presented at the Society for Social Work and Research, San Antonio, TX.  (National)

Rutledge, S., & Abell, N. (2005, May). Challenges and opportunities in international collaboration for AIDS research and service. Paper presented at HIV/AIDS 2005: the Social Work Response (17th Annual National Conference on Social Work & HIV/AIDS), Chicago, Il. (National)

Ryan, S., & Hinterlong, J. (2006, July). “Kinship adoptions: Older persons adopting younger relatives.” International Conference on Adoption Research, London, UK. (International)

Tang, F., Hinterlong, J., & McBride, A. (2007, July). “Issues in volunteerism and elder service worldwide: Toward a research agenda.” 15th International Consortium for Social Development Symposium, Hong Kong. (International)

Tang, F., Hinterlong, J., Morrow-Howell, N., & Thirupathy, P. (2002, November). “Measuring the institutional determinants of volunteering by older adults.” 31st Annual ARNOVA Conference, Montreal, Canada. (International)

Vinton, L., & Hinterlong, J. (2009, November). “Training Geriatric Social Workers for New Market Realities” Gerontological Society of America, Atlanta (International).

International Grants and Grant Proposals:

Neil Abell:

Abell, N.  Funding service addressing social work and HIV/AIDS in Northern India (Delhi, Amritsar, Jalandhar, Varanasi, and Allahabad). Funded by U.S. State Department Speakers and Specialists Grant. (2005, November) $17,000.

Tomi Gomory:

Gomory, T. Central and Eastern Europe: Social issues in new emerging democracies. A faculty development initiative of the ACC International Academic Collaborative. (Summer 2008) $70,000.

Gomory, T. Fulbright Scholar, University of Pecs, Hungary, The relevance of clinical social work to mental health service provision in Hungary. Funded by the U.S. Department of State. (2005-2006) $20,000.

Pat Lager:

Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) grant proposal in partnership with Boston College for a faculty development project in Central and Eastern Europe with a focus on human rights ($70,000). Funded in May, 2008.

USAID grant proposal for an Institutional Partnership in Higher Education for International Development ($150,000). This proposal was submitted with FAVACA and the University of the West Indies in Trinidad, Barbados, and Jamaica. The grant proposed the development of a Caribbean Institute for Health and Social Services to examine HIV/AIDS and other social service opportunities, in addition to facilitating exchanges between students and faculty of the participating universities. Did not receive funding reportedly because Jamaica’s letter of support indicated that they did not have a significant problem with HIV/AIDS in that country.

Assisted Dr. Hamid Ghany, Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences at UWI’s St. Augustine campus, in securing funds from British Gas and BP Oil to fund a community organization project that would focus on the development of a boys’ choir in Trinidad. The total amount committed to this project was $215,000. This included the funding of the Tallahassee Boys Choir’s trip to Trinidad in 2005 to spearhead the joint initiative by UWI, FSU, and the oil companies.

A Caribbean Assistance and Recovery Grant proposal for funds provided by Jimmy Buffet through FAVACA provided financial assistance to Grenada and other Caribbean islands affected by Hurricane Ivan. Among the total funds received by FAVACA, a separate application for funds for the Child Welfare Authority in Grenada produced an award of $10,000 for restoration work in the children’s homes.

Assisted the Child Welfare Authority with grant applications to UNICEF, USAID, and the International Red Cross for restoration work following Hurricane Ivan. They were awarded the maximum funds from all these grants to assist with the restoration work needed after all five children’s homes in Grenada were destroyed in the hurricane, leaving over 200 children displaced for several months.

Developed an ACC grant proposal in 2005 for a faculty development project in Eastern Europe in partnership with Boston College ($60,000, unfunded).

Dina Wilke:

Principal Investigator: “Alcohol Use and HIV in the British Virgin Islands.” With Darcy Siebert (Co-PI).  2-year grant submitted to the National Institute for Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, US National Institutes of Health (R21, $285,000).

Principal Investigator: “Alcohol Use and HIV in Grenada.” With Darcy Siebert (Co-PI).  2-year grant submitted to the National Institute for Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, US National Institutes of Health (R21, $494,000).

Neil Abell/Scott Rutledge:

Rutledge, S.E., and Abell, N. Expression and impact of HIV/AIDS provider stigma in the West Indies: Examining the context of testing, treatment, and care.  Funded by FSU Council on Research & Creativity planning grant. (2003, November)  $9,848.

Technical Papers & Reports:

Siebert, D.C. & Wilke, D. (2002). Draft report on the needs assessment for St. Kitts and Nevis’ Comprehensive National Substance Abuse and Mental Health Treatment Services.

International Consultation:

Pat Lager:

2007 to 2008 – Provided technical assistance to the Indira Ghandi National Open University in New Delhi, India on the development of a Masters in Social Work program through distance learning.

2005 to Present – Provide ongoing consultation with T. A. Maryshow College in Grenada, W.I. on the development of their undergraduate program in social work.

2003 to Present – Consult with Child Welfare Authority in Grenada, WI on development and implementation of group home licensure policies and procedures; consult with Ministry of Social Welfare on establishment of a social work undergraduate program at community 8

International Trainings:

Lager, P. B. (2006). Trainings for Child Welfare Authority on dealing behavior and attachment disorders in abused/neglected children; Grenada children’s homes, W.I.

Lager, P. B. (2005). Identifying Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Children Following a Natural Disaster. Training for faculty, students, and community members at T.A. Marryshow Community College, St. George’s, Grenada, W.I.

Lager, P. B. (2004). Rape Crisis Counseling. Training for Legal Aid and Counseling Services, Grenada, W.I.

Lager, P. B. (2004). Behavior Disorders in Children: Developing a Behavioral Management Plan and Effective Parenting. Training for Child Welfare Authority, Grenada, W.I.

Lager, P. B. (2002). Child Abuse and Neglect: Assessment and Intervention and Understanding Child Abuse and Neglect. Advanced level training for the Child Welfare Authority and child caregivers in Grenada, W.I. 7 7

Lager, P. B. (2002). Crisis Intervention and Crisis Management: Developing a Plan of Action for St. Kitts. Training for probation and child protection workers, guidance counselors, nurses, police officers, & social workers in St. Kitts, W.I.

Lager, P. B. (2002). Child Abuse Prevention and Intervention. Training for the Child Welfare Authority & Ministry of Social Services in Grenada, W.I.

Lager, P. B. (2002). Conflict Resolution and Anger Management. Training for teachers, guidance counselors and social workers, Ministry of Education, Trinidad, W.I..

Lager, P. B. (2001). Crisis Intervention and Crisis Management. Training for social workers, counselors and community police, St. Vincent, the Grenadines.

Lager, P. B. (2000). Crisis Management: Developing a Plan of Action for Trinidad. Training for social workers, guidance counselors, and teachers, Ministry of Education, Trinidad, W.I.

Lager, P. B. (2001). Crisis Intervention and Crisis Management in Barbados Schools. Training for social workers, guidance counselors, and teachers on developing a crisis management model for schools in Barbados, W.I.

Lager, P. B. (1999). Identification and intervention in cases of child abuse and neglect. Training for staff at Care and Respect for Youth ((C.R.Y.) and members of the police department in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, W.I.

Lager, P. B. (1998). Assessment and Treatment of Childhood Physical and Sexual Abuse. Training for social workers in St. Vincent in the Grenadines.

Lager, P. B. (1998). Assessment and Interventions in Cases of Abuse and Neglect. Training for social workers and child care providers, Child Care Authority, Barbados, W.I.

Lager, P. B. (1991). Interventions and Techniques in Counseling Children. Training for Marion House, St. Vincent in the Grenadines, W.I.

Lager, P. B. (1991). Clinical Interventions with Physically and Sexually Abused Children.Training for Upton Gardens Girls School, St. Lucia, W.I.

International Directed Independent Study:

Jim Hinterlong:
Pippin Whittaker. (2006). Modern slavery.
Lisa Mertes. (2004). Advanced health policy analysis: U.S. and U.K.
Amanda Frye. (2004). International Internship, Nepal.
Christi Pearce. (2004). International Internship, Costa Rica.

Pat Lager:
Marissa Ezell. (2010) A comparative analysis of healthcare in the U.K. and the U.S.
Lindsey Rickerson. (2010). Domestic violence in the U.K.