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Social Work Student Wins FSU Excellence in Visual Arts Award
Tuesday, April 07, 2020

MSW Student Lara Klopp is getting her graduate degree online, but that doesn’t stop her from wanting to connect with what’s happening on campus. After hearing about the FSU Graduate Student Awards offered by the Graduate School at FSU, she decided to apply. 

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Alumna Leads Florida Department of Juvenile Justice Research and Data Integrity
Monday, March 30, 2020

Raised by parents who taught business and economics, Sherry Jackson had her sights set on a degree in business as she set out for college. But when she arrived at Florida State University as an undergraduate, she quickly realized her passion focused more on the social and behavioral sciences. With a degree in cultural anthropology under her belt, she decided to stay at Florida State because of how much she enjoyed her undergraduate experience and to pursue an MSW because of the national reputation of the FSU College of Social Work.

Posted Under: Alumni & Friends, CSW General

FSU College of Social Work Uses Arts and Athletics to Inspire Big Bend Youth
Monday, March 16, 2020

For the ninth year, the Florida State University College of Social Work hosted the CSW Arts & Athletics Program, a free-of-charge, after-school program aimed at fostering positive youth development in Tallahassee.

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BSW Student Applies Social Work and Leadership Principles Through FSU Student Organization
Friday, March 13, 2020

When Margarita Amado-Blanco started her undergraduate studies at Florida State University, she was still an exploratory/undecided major with an inclination toward advocacy and special education. She dabbled in liberal arts classes, including international affairs and psychology, but found herself hooked by her first social work class as she began her minor in social welfare.

Posted Under: Alumni & Friends, CSW General

Alumna Advocates for Clients and Families with Memory and Brain Health Challenges
Monday, March 09, 2020

Victoria (Vicky) Rose’s efforts to support clients and families dealing with dementia is not going unnoticed. As the coordinator for the Memory Disorder Clinic at Tallahassee Memorial Hospital (TMH), she plays a multitude of roles that seek to improve the health and wellness of individuals living with dementia, their caregivers and the community. She has served in this role since 2017, wearing different hats on different days.

Posted Under: Alumni & Friends

Social Work Internships Abroad: Expanding and Maintaining Connections in the United Kingdom
Friday, March 06, 2020

As the director of International Programs at the FSU College of Social Work, I make frequent site visits to agency sites around the world to create and sustain international field placements for social work students.  This year, my trip happened to coincide with Brexit Day, January 31st, the day the United Kingdom (UK) officially withdrew from the European Union.

Posted Under: Alumni & Friends, CSW General, International Programs

Doctoral Students Seek to Improve Social Work Practice Through Study on Outcome Rating Scale
Thursday, February 13, 2020

Doctoral Student Rachel Harris along with Doctoral Candidates Melissa Murphy and Sarah Rakes recently had their study entitled, “The Psychometric Properties of the Outcome Rating Scale Used in Practice: A Narrative Review” in the Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work.  

Posted Under: CSW General

Faculty Co-edited Journal Joins the Social Science Education Index
Tuesday, February 04, 2020

The Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal has been around for over thirty years, but has only just recently been accepted into the Social Science Citation Index (SSCI), a database incorporated the world’s leading social science academic journals from across more than fifty disciplines.

Posted Under: CSW General, Faculty & Research

Professional Clown Doctor Teaches FSU Social Work Students about Laughter Therapy
Tuesday, February 04, 2020

FSU students in the College of Social Work were able to learn about laughter therapy and hospital clowning in a workshop hosted by professional clown doctor, David Engel.

Clown therapy is when professional entertainers visit people in times of need, such as hospital patients, and perform comedy. Without props or built sets, the clowns rely on their individuality and talent to perform for patients.

Posted Under: CSW General

Alumna Jocelyne Fliger Named Elder Care Services CEO
Wednesday, January 29, 2020

With the retirement of Elder Care Services CEO Mark Baldino in 2019, Elder Care Services’ board of trustees conducted a national search for the ideal candidate to lead the agency into its fiftieth year as a senior service leader in the Big Bend region of Florida. At the end of the search, the ideal candidate was found in their own director of volunteers and engagement, Jocelyne (Josie) Fliger.

Posted Under: Alumni & Friends, CSW General