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First MBA/MSW graduate lauds joint-degree opportunity
Monday, May 19, 2014

Business savvy and nonprofit know-how are often seen as opposing skill sets, the yin and yang of career pursuits. But for graduate student Kelly O’Sullivan, combining both interests made perfect sense.

“I knew I wanted to do more than clinical social work; I wanted to manage,” said O’Sullivan, Florida State University’s first graduate of its Master of Business Administration/Master of Social Work (MBA/MSW) joint degree program. She participated in the May 3 afternoon graduation ceremony.

Posted Under: Alumni & Friends, CSW General

2014 Spring Convocation celebrates a new generation of social workers
Wednesday, May 07, 2014

The College of Social Work celebrated the graduation of its spring 2014 graduates with the annual convocation ceremony on Friday, May 2, 2014.  Associate Dean of Academics Dr. Dina Wilke presided over the ceremony, acting in Dean Nick Mazza’s stead.  Students from all levels, BSWs, MSWs and doctoral students were in attendance along with hundreds of family members and friends to celebrate their accomplishments.

Posted Under: Alumni & Friends, CSW General, Faculty & Research

College of Social Work launches newest online program
Thursday, May 01, 2014

Florida State University’s College of Social Work is gearing up to launch a part-time, online Traditional Master of Social Work program in spring 2015 that will be available to people not only with a Bachelor of Social Work degree but also bachelor’s degrees in other fields.

Posted Under: Alumni & Friends, CSW General

Online curriculum and resource launched for medical professionals on domestic violence
Monday, April 28, 2014

The Institute for Family Violence Studies within the Florida State University College of Social Work, with a multidisciplinary partnership, launched a unique online prevention curriculum and resource site for medical professionals on domestic violence.

Posted Under: Alumni & Friends, CSW General, Faculty & Research

Doctoral student receives esteemed Child Well-Being Fellowship
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Leah Cheatham will be among the 15 doctoral students nationwide to receive the Doris Duke Fellowship for the Promotion of Child Well-Being. Through an annual national competition these students were selected to be the, “new generation of leaders interested in and capable of creating practice and policy initiatives that will enhance child development and improve the nation’s ability to prevent all forms of child maltreatment.”

Posted Under: Alumni & Friends, CSW General

Doctoral student receives FSU Graduate Student Research and Creativity Award
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Each year The Graduate School at Florida State recognizes only six special graduate students across campus with the Graduate Student Research and Creativity Award for their exemplary research and creative endeavors.  Two students are selected from three areas: natural and physical sciences (including science, technology, engineering and math); social and behavioral sc

Posted Under: Alumni & Friends, CSW General

Leymah Gbowee is “impolitely angry:” Social worker & Nobel Peace Prize winner tells us to transform our anger for social change
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

“It’s time to stop being politely angry,” said Leymah Gbowee, the Liberian social worker and peace activist who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2011. Leymah spent a weekend at Florida State this month, helping students and teachers learn how to harness their personal difficulties and anger at injustice into positive energy towards change.

Posted Under: Alumni & Friends, CSW General, International Programs

Alumna strives to assist individuals and organizations with support for surrogates
Monday, April 07, 2014

For the first two decades of her career, alumna Dr. Julie Buckey worked as a social worker at various levels. Receiving her MSW (1996) from the FSU College of Social Work’s Part-Time Program in Jacksonville, Julie worked in both supervisory and administrative roles in child welfare, health and mental health. It was not until she returned to the College in 1999 for her doctoral degree and began her dissertation that her focus would change, setting the course for the next stage of her life’s work.

Posted Under: Alumni & Friends

FSU’s Great Give 2014: Social Work focuses on local youths
Wednesday, April 02, 2014

This year’s FSU Great Give runs from Thursday, April 17 through Friday, April 18, 2014 and the College of Social Work focuses its efforts on raising funds to sustain its annual Arts & Athletics Summer Camp! 2014 marks the third summer the camp will run on Florida State’s campus, allowing under-resourced middle school youths to experience college life.

Posted Under: Alumni & Friends, CSW General

Social Work Month celebrated with advocacy, community outreach and a dialogue on diversity
Wednesday, April 02, 2014

Annually the College of Social Work joins NASW to celebrate March as Social Work Month and strives in acknowledge the occasion and the importance of social workers and their profession in several ways throughout the month.

Posted Under: Alumni & Friends, CSW General