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Program evaluation gives voice to Medicaid recipients
Monday, December 02, 2013

Since July 1, 2012, the College of Social Work(CSW) has collaborated with the FSU College of Medicine (COM) and the FAMU College of Pharmacy on a unique program evaluation of the MEDS-AD Medication Therapy Management (MTM) program, implemented by the 

Posted Under: CSW General, Faculty & Research

In the spirit of thankfulness: We remember Mrs. Julie Hawes Matthews
Sunday, November 24, 2013

The family of Mrs. Julie Hawes Matthews honored the memory of their mother with a generous donation of to three FSU programs – the College of Social Work, the College of Nursing and the Department of Interior Design.

Posted Under: Alumni & Friends, CSW General

Why Should You Study Abroad in Costa Rica?
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Students, Costa Rica is the adventure and learning experiences of a life time. Costa Rica welcomes you with beautiful scenery, friendly people, and opportunities to improve your Spanish language skills, to learn about their health care and social service agencies, and Latino culture through a unique immersion experience.

Posted Under: CSW General, International Programs

A College of Social Work Legend: Betty Piccard
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Elizabeth Koalska Piccard, better known as Betty, was a valued faculty member of the College of Social Work from 1965 until 1993, serving for many years as the Undergraduate Program Director. Recently, on August 29, 2013 she died peacefully in her sleep in Tallahassee, a place she called home since 1953.

Posted Under: Alumni & Friends, CSW General, Faculty & Research

Violet Crook Graduate Scholarship endowed
Friday, September 06, 2013

Over the summer a permanent legacy to honor Dr. Wendy P. Crook (pictured right) and her family was established in the form of the endowed Violet Crook Graduate Scholarship. In November 2006, Dr. Crook pledged a donation to begin the scholarship. Tragically, Dr. Crook passed away in October 2007 at age 55 from cancer before the scholarship could be endowed.

Posted Under: Alumni & Friends, CSW General

Vulnerability and Women in Moldova: Choices Women Face Regarding the Welfare of Their Children
Sunday, September 01, 2013

Jacy Mesch, MSW
Chisinau and surrounding area, Moldova: May 22, 2013 – August 12, 2013

Posted Under: CSW General, International Programs

Janet Berry retires: A legacy of social work education online, on campus, and ongoing
Friday, August 23, 2013

Faculty member Janet Berry retired at the end of this summer to begin a new chapter in her life.  On top of being an alumna of the FSU College of Social Work, Janet has been a long-time faculty member at the College, taking on various roles and responsibilities.  Included among these roles were the development of the online MSW degree program and the online Leadership in Executive and Administrative Development (LEAD) Certificate Program as well as coordinating and designing the Capstone Assignment for Field Seminars.

Posted Under: Alumni & Friends, CSW General, Faculty & Research

Human rights practice in social work: A U.S. social worker looks to Brazil for leadership
Saturday, August 10, 2013

Jane McPherson, LCSW
Ph.D. Candidate
Brazil: Summer 2011

Posted Under: CSW General, International Programs

Welcome new faculty! Jeffrey Lacasse and Lisa Schelbe
Wednesday, August 07, 2013

We are most fortunate to have two new assistant professors joining us this fall!

Lisa Schelbe, MSW, Ph.D. joins the College of Social Work faculty as an Assistant Professor, having most recently completed her Ph.D. at the University of Pittsburgh. Dr. Schelbe earned her MSW at Washington University, George Warren Brown School of Social Work. Lisa brings a wealth of experience relating to domestic violence and child welfare (particularly youth aging out of the child welfare system).

Posted Under: CSW General, Faculty & Research

Professors publish book to aid understanding of statistical research methods
Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Dr. Karen Randolph, and coauthor Dr. Laura Myers’s book Basic Statistics in Multivariate Analysis was recently published by Oxford University Press.  The book introduces readers to three multivariate analytical methods (i.e., linear regression, analysis of variance and covariance, and path analysis) with a focus on the basic statistics that support these methods.

Posted Under: CSW General, Faculty & Research