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Careers in Aging Week highlights opportunities and changes in elder care
Monday, April 15, 2013

Florida has the highest percentage of aging persons in the United States. As a part of the FSU College of Social Work’s Health and Aging Initiative, the Gerontological Society of America and the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education awarded a grant to Amy L.

Posted Under: Alumni & Friends, CSW General

Help Prevent Dating and Sexual Violence: Join the Great Give
Monday, April 15, 2013

You can make Seminoles safer. The College of Social Work will be participating in the Great Give, FSU’s online giving campaign taking place April 18-19, 2013. This 36-hour campaign allows those who care deeply about FSU to contribute gifts to support unique projects throughout the University.

Posted Under: CSW General

Spirit Paws, Ability United: An MSW student’s vision leads to youth connections in local schools
Wednesday, February 06, 2013

When I was at the Wakulla County School Board District Office for a district wellness meeting, one of the topics brought to the table was a new event, “Ability in the Park.”  The event was created to show the community that students with disabilities also had “abilities” and strengths that could be showcased or revealed in order to remove some of the stigma associated with those who have different methods of learning and different obstacles. I began thinking of the students within my own school who are disabled either physically, intellectua

Posted Under: Alumni & Friends, CSW General

A Night of Remembrance: Human Rights Highlighted with the Help of Students & Cinema
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

On December 3rd at 9:30 p.m., FSU students created a symbolic mass grave outside the Student Life Cinema (SLC).  Thousands of ceramic bones created by the One Million Bones/Florida project were laid out in the candlelight to call attention to genocide and mass violence.  The installation was the highlight of Human Rights Night at SLC, an event held in honor of December’s important human rights anniversaries:  the signing o

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Intercollegiate collaboration helps seniors
Thursday, October 25, 2012

CSW Associate Professor, Dr. Jean Munn has co-authored a chapter for the medical text, Primary Care Geriatrics, along with Dr. Ken Brummel-Smith and Debra Danforth of the FSU COM. The focus of the chapter, interdisciplinary collaboration on medical teams, has led to the development of a course available to students in medicine, nursing, and social work to be offered summer 2013. The course will model an interdisciplinary team format, posing case studies and comprising equal team membership for each discipline.

Posted Under: CSW General, Faculty & Research

One College: Two Journals
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

One of the College of Social Work’s unique qualities is that it is home base to two well-respected scholarly journals.  Both journals were founded and are currently edited by FSU College of Social Work faculty members. The Journal of Poetry Therapy is edited by Dean Nick Mazza and Research on Social Work Practiceis edited by Professor Bruce Thyer.  Both faculty members’  talents have served to create these resources that continue to enrich research and practice in social work and related disciplines.

Posted Under: CSW General, Faculty & Research

Eric Garland: Science offers new hope in mental health
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Over the past several decades, there has been an explosion of research demonstrating that our feelings and thoughts are closely tied to the function of our brains, so much so that the 1990s were heralded as the “Decade of the Brain” by the Library of Congress and the National Institutes of Health.

Posted Under: CSW General

Launch of international exchange (Jönköping, Sweden): Meet Jessica Larsson
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Fall 2012 begins a special international partnership in social work.  The FSU College of Social Work and Jönköping University in Jönköping, Sweden collaborated to provide an exciting exchange opportunity for both universities’ students.

Posted Under: CSW General, International Programs

Sandra Thornton Baty: veteran, social worker, and inspiration
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Classmates of retired Air Force veteran Sandra Thornton Baty may well have made an understatement when they said that she “has done it all in the mental health field.” Spending more than twenty years in the U.S. Air Force (USAF), Sandra has contributed to the mental health of countless veterans and their families.  To mention just a few of her many accomplishments in 18 years in mental health, Sandra has:

Posted Under: Alumni & Friends, CSW General

Transforming Education into Global Empowerment
Friday, August 10, 2012

Derrika Hunt, MSW graduate
Current Ph.D. student at University of California, Berkeley 

Guwahati, India; Summer 2012

Posted Under: CSW General, International Programs