Alumni & Friends

MSW student honored as 2016-2017 Minority Fellow

Kotrish Wright, an MSW student, made the most of her time at the College of Social Work when she participated with many other social work students in the 2016 National Association of Social Workers LEAD (Legislative and Education Days) at the Florida Capitol, advocating for social work. While networking at the event, she received information about a unique fellowship opportunity through the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE). Kotrish further researched the CSWE Minority Fellowship and decided to contact a representative.

MSW Student Leads Social Work Dance Marathon Team to Raise Funds for Children’s Miracle Network

Two years ago, Darcy Maher (MSW ’15) inspired student Megan Armison to become involved in FSU’s Dance Marathon.  The event raises funds each year for Children’s Miracle Network hospitals. Darcy’s excitement and passion encouraged Megan to join in 2016 as a dancer. By the end of her first event, she began planning her involvement in next year’s event. With Darcy’s support, Megan was designated the College of Social Work delegate for the 2017 FSU Dance Marathon.

CSW Professional Development Program Benefits Students, Alumni and Professionals

The FSU College of Social Work has always been committed to helping students and alumni achieve success, but recently, Dean Nick Mazza decided to do more.

“There was really an opportunity for the College to reach out to students, alumni and community members, and enhance their professional careers in social work,” said Mazza. “We established the Professional Development Program to provide additional resources for these groups that will ultimately help them succeed.”

Welcome Colette Podgorski, director of development

I am very pleased to introduce Colette Podgorski as the newest member of the CSW team. I am especially thankful to the FSU Foundation for their support in finding a person who is “the perfect fit” for our College. Colette’s combined commitment, interest, and enthusiasm for the College of Social Work is a model for all of our alumni and friends. Her academic, professional, and volunteer background relates well to social work fundraising.