Alumni & Friends

Doctoral Graduate Joins University of West Florida Faculty

Dr. MaKenna Woods, a three-time Florida State University graduate, joined the University of West Florida (UWF) Department of Social Work staff as an assistant professor this spring.

A Floridian since the age of 10, she’s excited to continue making a difference in her home state. “I am looking forward to affecting so much change in my own little corner of the world,” she shared. “I have so many ideas that I couldn’t pursue as a student as dissertation deadlines loomed.”

Alumni Honored as NASW Social Work Pioneer

This year, Dr. Sudarshan Kapoor was selected by his peers as a Social Work Pioneer, recognized nationally by the National Association of Social Workers. Social Work Pioneers are chosen for their contributions to exploring new territories and building outposts of human services across the United States of America. Honorees were recognized at an event in October at the Cosmos Club in Washington, DC.

Meet Our 2023 Doctoral Student Cohort

The College of Social Work is excited to welcome our newest cohort of doctoral students. Each joins Florida State University's academic community with a broad range of experience in social work and an interest in contributing to social work research and scholarship to advance the profession and benefit the diverse populations it serves. 

Schyler Brumm

Originally from Central Florida, Schyler attended Florida State for her bachelor's degree in psychology and dual master's degrees in social work and criminology.

College of Social Work Celebrates Alumni Award and Scholarship Recipients

The College of Social Work at Florida State University hosted its 2023 Distinguished Alumni Award and Student Scholarship Awards dinner on Thursday, October 19th. The event honored five distinguished social work graduates and 2022-2023 student scholars.

More than $108K in scholarships were given in 2022-2023 to support undergraduate- and graduate-level social work students with interests in areas including child welfare, social policy, international social work, social work practice and military veterans.

Longtime Social Work Administrator takes on New Role in FSU Office of Faculty Development and Advancement

Craig Stanley, who started his academic career in 2004 in Florida State University’s College of Social Work, is taking on a new role as Director of Strategic Initiatives and Special Projects in the Office of Faculty Development and Advancement. He starts his new position Oct. 23. 

Empowering Foster Youth through Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Trauma

Youth in foster care often face higher exposure to traumatic events and are less likely to receive the necessary services to address the resulting trauma-related symptoms. This discrepancy leads to a range of mental health challenges that, if left untreated, can manifest into more complex issues, such as substance misuse and delinquency.

The Stoops Center for Communities, Families, and Children (CFC Center) at the FSU College of Social Work is committed to changing this narrative.